Our Courses

The issues a working professional face When you are a working professional who is expected to follow and conform to the standards and expectations of the corporate world, it spells an altogether unique bunch of challenges you are subjected to. To perform well it takes not much of what can be taught externally but instead, a lot more of the kind of values an individual has weaved internally. Then come the new-found challenges triggered by the remote work situations that are rampant currently at a global level. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep one’s personal work from creeping into their professional space. Lines blur and emotional baggage tends to spill over into work. What we believe Being a good employee is really an inside game. Employers invest heavily in upskilling or cross-skill trainings for their employees which indeed is the need of the hour, however, we feel that nothing beats the self-drive one runs on, to excel at any profession. Organizations need to acknowledge that although they can bring in automation in their businesses to a large extent, they will ultimately be working with their employees. A prudent employer understands only too well that his employees are the real assets he needs to invest in and sharpen, because they are ones through whom his business will deliver the results. A bunch of characteristically strong employees is ultimately going to fetch him a strong cohesive team which can help him attain his business goals.

No. of Days.
42 Days

What we do In the Employee Engagement Programs tailored by Growwise Academy, we educate employees about the importance of strengthening their character, their inherent value system and how it would catalyse their professional growth and enable them to create an impact professionally. Character cannot be taught; it can only be developed by way of channelling the mind in a systematic manner. Only a characteristically strong person can be impactful and thereby win credibility and respect amongst his colleagues, teams as well as seniors. Just like you cannot expect a mini-Cooper to nail a rugged terrain the way a Humvee can, you cannot expect a feeble-minded individual to scale heights of professional success. There has got to be enough juice! Through our interactions with employees, we make them capable of grooming themselves such that a strong work ethic becomes a default with them, and they are considered an asset for any organization they choose to be with. Our focus is to channelize their belief system towards self-motivation, self-character strengthening and the ability to imbibe strong values such as sincerity and integrity, which ultimately will spur their professional growth. What sets Growwise Academy apart: • We work with your employees to not just build them individually, but also work cohesively as a team. • We help employees identify where and how they need to work on their inter-personal skills. Once they understand themselves, it is easier for them to understand and relate to others. • Character-strengthening is a continual process. Therefore, we design the programs such that your employees invest some part of each day in refining themselves without any disruption in their daily routine. • We introduce them to a wide variety of subjects to expand their knowledge and thereby add to their confidence. • We stick to vanilla expressions and explanations of the topics for easy understanding and application in their routine activities. Above all, our programs are an interesting blend of interactive sessions, workshops and fun activities so there’s never a dull moment for our audience. We encourage a holistically positive outlook or mindset because we believe, any ever-lasting change can only be brought about with positivity.

Other Programs

Guided meditations

10 Days

Meditation is a practice in which and individual uses a technique tto help focus and detach from the negativity.

Guided meditation offers several benefits, which can significantly enhance your overall well-being. Guided meditation is a powerful tool that can support mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It makes meditation accessible and effective for both beginners and experienced practitioners, helping to cultivate a deeper sense of peace, mindfulness, and self-awareness.

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FAQ for monthly programs

30 Days


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Listening (kids)

21 Days

 Listening foundation Program is about
Also GWA believes that the To cultivate the ability to listen, it is important for parents to put

It is basically divided in 2 sub programs one for kids and other for parents
It is a 21 day program
This is a application based program in which you are given access to the audios
The access is given to both the programs

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Listening (Parents)

10 Days

A program to help you guide your child, to become a good listener.

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Employee Assisstance Program (EAP)- (Corporate Wellness Programs) एम्प्लोयी अस्सिस्टेंस प्रोग्रा

42 Days

The issues a working professional face When you are a working professional who is expected to follow and conform to the standards and expectations of the corporate world, it spells an altogether unique bunch of challenges you are subjected to. To perform well it takes not much of what can be taught externally but instead, a lot more of the kind of values an individual has weaved internally. Then come the new-found challenges triggered by the remote work situations that are rampant currently at a global level. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep one’s personal work from creeping into ...

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Thought installation programme (TIP)-Health and Exercise

21 Days

Thought installation program (TIP) - Health and Exercise

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Self Leadership Program [SLP]- आत्म नेतृत्व कार्यक्रम

55 Days

Self-leadership is the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling and actions towards your objective/s

As you practice Self-leadership, it helps you in actively developing a sense of confidence about who you are, it helps you in taking ownership of what you do, and being intentional about where you are going. It's a very crucial skill.

' Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom' - Aristotle.

Self-leadership is important in everyone’s life because it helps you accomplish your goals and help others to accomplish their goals as well. A leader takes his own lead before taking the lead of other people. A ...

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S.H.E Strengthening her emotionally-उसे भावनात्मक रूप से मजबूत करना (Women wellness- महिला कल्याण)

90 Days

The beauty of being a woman

Woman! So much said in so little! Is there anything a woman can’t do? They are the default caregivers of their world and the backbone holding things upright. Women are naturally endowed with emotional attributes such as perseverance, understanding, compassion, adaptability and resilience. The problem starts when taking these abilities for granted becomes an unsaid norm amongst their family or their social circle.

Emotional issues

Women juggle hundreds of things on many different fronts simultaneously. They hardly stop to bother about or even acknowledge their emotional disturbances. Only after they have been driven to the point of ...

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Nurturing the motherhood (मातृत्वाचे पालनपोषण)

70 Days

This program is a perfect mixture of the traditional pregnancy-related set of Do’s and Don’ts known as ‘Garbha Sanskar’ and the scientific aspect of caring and upholding a woman's emotional quotient, to ensure a holistically positive impact on both the mother and the baby. The nine-month journey of nurturing a life in her womb is an immensely special, extraordinary, unique and in some cases, a once-in-a lifetime experience for a woman. It’s not just a crucial time for the development of the baby but also for the mother who goes through several physical as well as emotional changes in her ...

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